NGMA's CGMS Credential Holders deserve to be recognized for their hard work and commitment to their professional development in the grant management field! We are excited to announce that there is a dedicated section on the NGMA website that lists ALL of our CGMS Holders! The CGMS credential was developed by NGMA to provide an industry credential elevating professional standards, enhancing individual performance, and designating professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of grants management. Each of our CGMS Holders has put in the effort and time to catapult their learning to the next level and we are proud of them!
We will update this new page as candidates attain their CGMS credential! NGMA would love to add your name to the list! Learn more about CGMS and get on the path to obtaining a one in a kind professional credential in the grants management industry!
Congratulations to All Our CGMS Holders!