Strategic Framework

Strategic Goal #1
NGMA will elevate the vital role of grants management professionals in stewardship of grant funds and will promote the profession to future professionals and stakeholders.
Communicate clear definitions of the grants manager roles, skillsets, educational backgrounds and other key attributes.
Increase the amount of information about the grants management profession in widely accessible public sources.
Improve awareness of NGMA to professionals who have partial roles in grants management.
Develop tools for NGMA members to use in educating colleagues on the importance of grants management and compliance.
Strategic Goal #2
NGMA will continue to support the overall level of competency of grants management professionals by offering diversified, affordable educational and online resources targeted to their career level and sector.
Develop a catalog of courses and resources designed to address the needs of members in every phase of their careers (early, mid-career, experienced).
Define grants management competencies to help current professionals better identify their gaps in knowledge.
Leverage the strengths of successful existing NGMA programs (i.e., webinars, GMBoK, AGT, Community Forum) to expand educational offerings.
Explore the use of new educational platforms and formats that appeal to the next generation of grants managers.
Expand opportunities for both in-person and online sharing of best practices and templates among sector groups.
Assist new grant professionals in understanding the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200).
Strategic Goal #3
NGMA will assist its members in navigating significant changes in the federal compliance landscape to reduce confusion and improve the overall administration of funds.
Provide timely information that addresses new or upcoming changes to federal grant-related statues, regulations, programs and guidance.
Work with federal partners on efforts to streamline communications to the grants community on compliance changes/updates.
Strategic Goal #4
The Certified Grants Management Specialist (CGMS) will be recognized as the premier credential by grant management professionals, employers, and funders.
Complete accreditation of the CGMS, with a dedication to consistent high-level administration of the program, to enhance the credibility of the credential throughout the grants industry.
Improve awareness of the CGMS among employers and funders as a tool to clearly identify grants management peers and job candidates that have a proven minimum level of grants management expertise.
Define the benefit of the CGMS to grant professionals in both professional development and career advancement.
Build compliance mechanisms for the CGMS Code of Ethics that illustrates NGMA’s commitment to integrity.
Strategic Goal #5
NGMA will cultivate cooperative relationships with industry partners to improve the environment for success for its members.
Utilize the expertise of industry partners, including CAPP Partners, to develop affordable educational programming.
Work with industry partners and associations to communicate the value of grants management and the complexities of compliance to stakeholders (employers, funders, etc.).
Foster an environment of shared responsibility with educational partners to raise the level of competency in grants management focused on providing accurate and timely information.