NGMA Welcomes New CAPP Partner, WITT O'Brien's!
Witt O'Brian's specializes in crisis and emergency management. That's all we do—no distractions.
Our mission is to make your organization as resilient as possible in an unpredictable world. Everything we do, and all our operations, are designed with this goal in mind.
We deploy on short notice to help you overcome the most challenging events of your career. Our 24x7 Command Center in Houston, TX supports over 1,000 state and local governments, oil and gas companies, maritime owners and operators, and other Fortune 100 companies worldwide. Houston is our largest staff location, including the teams who support our clients with invoicing, contract management, technology and other critical functions.
We're the partner you want by your side in a crisis
Q. What do you love about grants management?
At Witt O’Brien’s every member of our more than 500-person grant management team brings enormous passion and enthusiasm to their job. We love the relationships we have built over our many decades in the business with federal funding agencies, community stakeholders, and grant professionals. Today, we serve as the trusted partner to more than 250 government sector clients including states, territories, and localities nationwide.
With the rapidly changing federal funding landscape it takes the entire grants community to work collaboratively to deliver rapid and impactful programs to those in need. We are proud to work on the front lines of grant management helping our clients access and deploy more than $60 billion in federal funds to date.
Q. What would you like members to know about Witt O'Brien's?
While Witt O'Brien's has a long and successful legacy as an emergency management consulting firm, we now deliver comprehensive resilience-building solutions that extend far beyond the FEMA-Public Assistance and CDBG-Disaster Recovery programs. Today, our team of experts are national thought leaders on COVID-19 relief programs like the Coronavirus Relief Fund and Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and have unparalleled technical understanding and experience with housing programs like the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and Homeowners Assistance Fund.
Our goal is to help our clients build sustainable, long-term internal capabilities, however for those in need we also provide immediate support and staff augmentation. Through a collaborative process, together we explore various grants management models, including centralized approaches and technology solutions to address historical pain points such as application review, risk evaluation, and payment processing.
We know how complex the federal regulatory landscape is and endeavor to make it as navigable as possible. By identifying key compliance and reporting requirements and applying them appropriately, we strive to make our clients increasingly comfortable and confident in their ability to source these critical funds and strategically deploy them to address their most pressing mission areas.
Q. What is a surprising fact about the Witt O'Brien's?
Witt O’Brien’s Houston-based Command Center provides 24/7 emergency response and resilience support for both corporate and government clients. In 2021, it managed over 55,000 calls, or approximately 60% of Walmart’s 2020 Emergency Operations Center volume.
Q. How can NGMA’s Members connect with you?
For more information on Witt O'Brien's, please visit our website.