Take the CGMS Exam

Visit our Candidate Management System HERE
to apply for the CGMS Certified Grants Management Specialist Exam

and receive a one-time access to the CGMS Practice Test free with your purchase.


You must submit a CGMS application and pay the exam fee before scheduling your exam.

The computer-based CGMS exam is offered in-person at testing centers -OR- with a live-remote proctor, which you can access from the comfort of your home or office. Review the Environmental and System Requirements for the live-remote proctor option on pages 3-4 of the Prometric ProProctor User Guide. Candidates will be given three (3) hours to complete the exam.

CGMS Exam fee: $500 for NGMA members | $674 for nonmembers (Nonmember fee includes optional one-year NGMA membership.)
Exam fees for members and nonmembers include a non-refundable $75 application fee.


 Take the Practice Test  Exam Information