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PNW Chapter Meeting
Thursday, September 12, 2024, 5:00 PM PST
Category: Chapter Events

PNW Chapter

5 p.m. PT | Thursday, September 12

PNW Chapter Meeting

Attend the next virtual meeting of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Chapter!
Note: PNW Chapter meets virtually on the second Thursday of every other month.

Meeting agenda:

  • A representative from the NGMA staff will discuss changes to the Certified Grants Management Specialist (CGMS) exam.

  • We will discuss how to effectively use AI in the grants management process.

As always, we will allow time for an open forum for general grants management topics. Please be ready with any issues or questions you want to address.


How to Join Meeting

Click the link below to join the meeting.

Meeting Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 984 5622 9719

Passcode: 739366